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Prepar3D v2.2 software and PC hardware configurations

This post will be updated according to tests and experimentions. Nothing is yet freezed and I’m still testing some tuning to reach maximum fluidity.

PC Hardware

  • Processor : Intel Core i7-4770K- Quad Core (3.5 GHz)
  • Graphic Cards : 2 x nVidia GeForce GTX 770 2 Go (1 x MSI Lightning and 1 x MSI TF). SLI configuration for P3D v2.2 is still experimental according to Lockeed Martin. For more info, see this post on LM forum explaining the AFR-FriendyD3D.exe trick.
  • RAM : G.Skill RipJaws X Series 8 Go (2x 4 Go) DDR3-SDRAM PC17000 CL9
  • CPU Fan : Noctua NH-U12P SE2
  • Motherboard : ASUS Z87-Pro C2 (Chipset Intel Z87 Express)
  • Hard Drives :  Sandisk Ultra Plus 256 Go (SSD 256 Go MLC Serial ATA 6 Gbits) + Seagate 7200.14 - 2 To (7200 RPM 32 Mo Serial ATA III) + 2 other 500 Go Sata. Prepar3D is fully installed in the SSD.
  • Power supply : Seasonic X-750 80PLUS Gold
  • OS : Microsoft Windows 7 64 bits
  • Devices : Saitek Rudder + AV8R joystick + Quadrant Throttle, VrInsight M-Panel, TrackIR v4.

Lockheed Martin Prepar3D software configuration

Here is screenshot of Options –> Settings :



About graphics settings :

  • Still in the experimentation process, so “Target frame rate” is set to unlimited when NVI controls max. fps or set to 25 something when no NVI is active.
  • MSAA and Texture Filtering is settings I’m still currently experimenting.
  • Texture : REX 4 Texture Direct + Orbx FTx Global Base + Orbx FTx Vector





About Lightning :

  • HDR set to OFF due to SLI configuration (recommanded by Lockheed Martin)



About Weather : real time weather is generated by ActiveSky Next installed on a remote laptop



About trafic :

  1. Because of SLI / AFR-FriendlyD3D.Exe tricks, Ship and ferries and leisure boats are set to zero due to graphic artefacts.
  2. Because I mostly fly under IVAO, I set Airlines and General Aviation to zero.

10 commentaires:

  1. Hello Vincent,

    Which display screen(s) do you use in your set-up ?


  2. Hum... What "display screen" ? You mean monitor ? I have two DELL (2209WA et 2208WFP) and native resolution is 1680x1050. I only use one monitor for P3D.

  3. Salut Vincent utilises tu nvidia inspector si oui quels sont tes réglages ?

  4. Pour l'instant (comme déjà écrit, j'expérimente) je n'utilise plus de profil NVI. L'augmentation de l'AntiAliasing via un profil NVI n'est pas flagrant. Ma stratégie pour l'instant est d'expérimenter l'impact des curseurs (nombreux et nouveaux) de P3D sans mettre les mains dans le cambouis (méthode FSX). Je souhaite ne pas bidouiller (.CFG et NVI) pour l'instant. A suivre.

  5. OK merci de ta rapide réponse. Je te contacte particulièrement car on adopte la même philosophie et on achete presque la même bécane au même moment. Le cambouis ça suffit !! Je tripote juste encore un peu car je n'obtiens pas le visuel que je juge à la hauteur du hardware investi ! Bon courage pour ton sli et merci de tous tes partages !

  6. Je viens de craquer pour P3D et j'ai essayé tes réglages :ils sont tip top !
    je te remercie de les avoir publiés.


  7. Hi there, you mentioned that you have P3D no the SSD. Where did you install the OS. Same disk as the sim?

  8. Hi vincent, i have MPanrl too but i'm not able to make it work on Prepar3d V2. How did you do?


  9. Hi Fabrizio, I didn't do anything specific to make my mPanel worked with Prepar3D. Is FSUIPC or SimConnect OK on your setyp (can't reminber on which mPanel tools relied) ? Do you use the last driver ?
