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Prepar3D v5 comparison shots Enhanced Atmospheric (Beta) TrueSky ON and OFF

Here is comparison screen shots of Prepar3D v5.0.21.34709 at different location and weather conditions. Screen captures take at exact same situation, weather and settings. Just "Enhanced Atmospheric (Beta)" (aka TrueSky) set ON and OFF.

Depending on the location and light conditions, TrueSky set to ON could be better... or not. Some visual artefacts like flashy and blurry edges of objects in front of TrueSky, the lack of cloud shadow and also the limitation of max 2 clouds layers is to be considered as well. I also have to wait until a decent weather generator (Active Sky) gets released.

Let's wait for an Prepar3D v5 hotfix. It's expected for this week. See this post of Lockheed Martin's Rob McCarthy on the official Prepar3D forum.

In the next screen shot, overcast conditions seems to be correctly depicted without TrueSky. Pretty strange in this example, because overcast conditions seems to be pretty much well done on other situations.

The screen shots below is taken from an higher altitude. Cloud textures are from Toga EnvTex

In this last shots, the color are delightful with TrueSky on despite I'm not sure it's more realistic. Cloud coverage, although it's the exact same weather, is also different.

Find below, Prepar3D settings used for these shots. Caution : this is just for information and do reflect any advice or suggestion. Use the one that match your taste and setup. Anyway my settings are still evolving. I'm still discovering the version 5.

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