
Le vent du nord et de travers pour l'atterrissage à St-Cyr en DR400

Hier, ça soufflait pas mal de travers à St-Cyr même si c’était plus impressionnant en lisant le METAR que dans la réalité. Heureusement qu’on était sur de l’herbe. Pour les simmers, on est encore loin de tous ces ballottements (regardez les ombres projetées sur la planche de bord) mais surtout notez les aiguilles du badin qui s’agitent dans tous les sens. Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas St-Cyr, le seuil de la 11L (aux chevrons) est pas mal décalé pour passer l’autoroute.


KMYF San Diego Montgomery a maintenant sa propre tour de contrôle dans MSFS

En janvier 2021, c'était ma première scène "développée" avec le Scenery Editor gratuit et inclus dans MSFS, dès la première version. Une vraie avancée que l'on oublie facilement : pouvoir placer des objets en mode WYSIWIG (What You See Is What You Get) et en temps réel directement dans le décor du simulateur, le compiler puis le partager (merci flightsim.to) est une révolution.

A force de lecture de tutoriaux, d'essais et de persévérance, des non-développeurs comme moi, ont pu améliorer leurs terrains fétiches. En plus, la semaine dernière un membre de flightsim.to m'a proposé de créer les tours de contrôle pour 2 de mes scènes, Ramona (KRNM) et l'autre terrain de San Diego (Montgomery Field, KMYF), plus fréquenté que KSAN l'international. Je les ai reçu dans la foulée.

1 an après la première version, j'en ai aussi profiter pour rajouter des panneaux spécifiques de taxiways que je sais faire maintenant manuellement.

La communauté autour de MSFS n'a de cesse de m'émerveiller.

La scène gratuite de Montgomery Field - Gibbs Executive (KMYF) est à télécharger gratuitement depuis flightsim.to: https://flightsim.to/file/5856/montgomery-gibbs-exec-airport-taxiway-fix-and-many-more


Ramona (KRNM) for MSFS

Ramona airport (ICAO:KRNM) is a public airport, 40 minutes from downtown San Diego and the beach in California. The airport is mostly used for general aviation, the California Department of Foresty and United States Forest Service (USFS) jointly operate a fire attack base. Download for free at : https://flightsim.to/d/vbazillio/ramona-krnm

Pacific Exec FBO

As all of my MSFS mod, this small scenery is made from pilot-eyes perspective. I flew there several time for pattern training and stops at Plus One Club house, and I'm an amateur scenery developer. This mod is made with 99% of MSFS default objects library. Download for free at : https://flightsim.to/d/vbazillio/ramona-krnm

CalFire entrance

Last reading before take-off


All airport buildings have been replaced: hangars, FBO's, Air Attack Base, Classic Rotors museum, all external fence and gates, fuel island, executive hangar, airport beacon...

  • All new and very specific taxiway signs... except the blue ones on Air Attack Base. Let me know if you know what's written on them! I need your help.
  • Adjustement of all taxiway lines
  • FBO's Chuck Hall Aviation, CruiseAir Aviation and Pacific Exec Aviation rebuild
  • Replacement of 90% autogen buildings by MSFS Library. Very few are the AI autogenerated buildings by AI Shark / MSFS engine.
  • Hundreds of details to create life: objects from library but also handmade signs and banner on buildings. This scenery may impact your fps.
  • Replacement of Tower
  • Reveal of all helipads (including the north helipad not open to pub ;)
  • Reveal of Segmented Circle/Windsock south side close to CruiseAir
  • Reveal of Compass Rose
  • Redesign of Fire Attack Base apron with trace of fire retartand. This scenery can't wait for a Grumman S2 Tracker!
  • Replacement of windsock
  • Replacement of PAPI (2 lights, P2L)
Download for free at : https://flightsim.to/d/vbazillio/ramona-krnm

Ramona Avionics hangar

Chuck Hall Aviation FBO

CruiseAir Aviation FBO

Example of specific taxiway signs

Jointly operated Air Attack Base with spilled Phos-Chek (red soils of fire retardant)

One of the public entrance with Plus One Flyers banner

Classic Rotor museum public entrance

History and background of the airport 

In 1943 the U.S. Navy built a small, dusty airstrip at what is now the Ramona Airport. In 1956, the facility was conveyed to San Diego County and the airport has now grown to become the aviation center for community service to San Diego's inland and mountain communities. The Ramona Airport is the third busiest facility in the County’s system.

Aerial view of Air Attack Base

The Ramona Air Attack Base is located in the CAL FIRE San Diego Unit and was established in 1957 by the then California Division of Forestry, making it the oldest Air Attack Base in the Department’s system. In 1960, the US Forest Service set up and operated from Ramona, separate from CDF, until 1966 when the agencies integrated and Ramona became a jointly operated base. Ramona responds to an average of 450 calls per year. On average, the base pumps 850,000 gallons of retardant a year. Ramona has a possible peak output of 250,000 gallons of retardant each day. The base’s direct protection area encompasses over 1.4 million acres for CAL FIRE, 300,000 for the US Forest Service, and covers all of San Diego County.

View of Ramona tower control

Uncomplicated airspace, available services, ideal climate and proximity to North County business and recreation centers make Ramona Airport an ideal destination for work or pleasure. Serving every type of aircraft from home-built experimental to corporate jets, the Ramona Airport is home to a fully staffed air traffic control tower, three full-service Fixed Base Operators (FBOs) (Pacific Exec Aviation, Chuck Hall Aviation and CruiseAir Aviation) an avionics center, an aircraft service center, nine aviation businesses, a full-time airport manager and the world's only helicopter museum with operational helicopters (Classic Rotors).


Bonnes fêtes de fin d'année à tous les lecteurs du blog


Je souhaite de bonnes fêtes de fin d'année à tous les lecteurs du blog "Du Virtuel au Réel" ! A l'heure des réseaux sociaux, nous faisons figure de résistants sur ce blog :) Sous peu, il fêtera ses 18 ans comme un dinosaure. Je vous souhaite des tempêtes de ciel bleu et du vent arrière... réel ou virtuel!

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